Friday, April 17, 2009

CJ's Special Day!

CJ had a special day just for him at school. He was able to invite anyone he wanted and he had quit a crowd, mom, dad, Quinn, Carissa, Aunt Jodi and Grandma and Grandpa all came to watch him do his presentation. He started of the presentation with a story about his adventures with stinky, the class pet (a stuffed skunk), then he read everyone his special person book, it began with a special note from his mom that Mrs. Strom read to him. The book told about all of CJ’s favorites. After he read his book he was able to share something special, he chose to show one of his PowerPoint presentations that he had made. He loves PowerPoint and has several so it was hard to decide which one to share. After he was done with his PowerPoint presentation, Mrs. Strom went around the room and asked his classmates what made CJ so special. There were several comments from all his friends, everywhere from he is a good friend to he is handsome. I don’t think I stopped smiling the whole time. When he was all done he gave everyone in his class (even his brother and sister) a treat that he helped mom make the night before. We love Mrs. Strom and for all the ways she makes our little guy feel special, he has had such a great time in kindergarten and we are so proud of him!


  1. Happy Special Day CJ! It was fun seeing you at the pool this week;)

  2. He knows how to do a kindergarten?!? Wow! I think that's just about the sweetest thing I've ever heard a teacher do. I love that he wanted all of his family there. And, his friends are right...he is handsome;)

  3. I was laughing when Nick told me how blown away CJ's teacher was. He is SOO smart Linds. I love how excited he is about it. :) Great story!

  4. Its so fun to see them get bigger and shine on there own. I love the proud little smile on his face- he is too cute!
